10. Humilation

These two days had been really hard on Rajveer and Naina. For a moment Rajveer felt like to leave everything behind and fly back to her and take her in his arms, kiss her like there is no tomorrow. He was surprised at himself he never takes his work for granted, for anything, he was actually taking her words seriously and was behaving normal with his father. Even his father could see the change, not even for once he snapped back at him or showed his annoyance, this change was overwhelming. He saw him smiling to himself and prayed that whatever the reason is, all he want is, his Son's happiness.

On the other Hand, Naina was feeling low everything seems dull around her. She was not having a heart to do anything but for the sake of her job she had to do it. It's just two days but seems like eternity. He will arrive back in Shimla tonight and she can't wait to see him tomorrow. An excitement filled her.

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